why must life suck?

There are some days when life really sucks. This is one of those days. I’m not comfortable in my own skin around certain people who think my dreams are ridiculous. I’m starting to lose motivation. What if they’re right and I’ll never succeed? People are putting doubts into my mind. Sorry this is so negative. It’s just that I don’t know how much more I can handle before I just totally lose it and give up. Sometimes I wish I had been born a fish instead of a person.

Categorised as personal

By TheEvilChocolateCookie

Hi. I'm 22, blind, and not a good writer. I love reading, learning, watching game/quiz shows, and being social. I want to be a contestant on Jeopardy some day.


  1. How can I take any steps when I live in prejudiceville USA? There’s no housing assistance here and I’ve been trying unsuccessfully to get a job for seven years.

  2. i’ve been whre you are. it gets better. just hang on as best as you can. you’ll get away from those people whom you live with soon. as long as you take the steps to.

  3. yeah shcenter, I understand. although I’m not going through what you are, I know some people who are for other reasons. my advice to you both is to never give up on what you want, the sun will rise in your life one day.

  4. I know something about that.
    I could tell you a lot, but basically I’ve been suffering from episodes of depression for the last 4 years and it is no fun.
    It is caused by my environment, perhaps some family members, my genetical ilness and most importantly, my state of mind which always tells me that nothing is worth living , doesn’t appreciate the love and friendship I have which is so comforting and helpful and yet I can’t always relay on it because of this.
    I am in a messed up place, but I’m doing things to get out of it, and they are starting to actually work.
    Hit me up, although it is so hard sometimes.
    Then call, if it’s easier.
    I will try my best to just be open, casual and nice to you, but we could discuss deep things as well, if you prefer.
    Whatever it is, I’ve been there, in fact I still am sometimes, and I know, I understand.
    Even though for everyone depression is something different, we all know what it’s like.

  5. well, thanks to stupid elten, I didn’t see the stupid comments you guys posted, so sorry for that. the point is, some people, or as I like to call them, dicks, are going to be this way. ignore them, because those people are never right and only want to get those thoughts into your head because they have those same thoughts themselves. so yeah, stay strong, and hang tight to what you believe.

  6. Try to survive this for yourself :).
    If you can’t break contact with them, try to go for the goal skipping the nonsense comments.
    My English is not good enough for me to write everything I think. I know the language more from the technical side and not from the emotional side.

  7. If I could just get away from them, I would, but I would need time to find another place to live.

  8. hay. all those people saying those things to you are just dicks. sorry to call them that, but that’s kinda what they are. if you’re going to take the time to demoralize an individual, and tell them a bunch of stuff just because you don’t feel secure about your moronic life, then dick is the perfect adjective to describe you. speaking to the individuals who treat you like this, because its not right. well anyways, all of us have those days, its normal. hit me up if you want to talk, because, erm, I don’t know, something?

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